
Showing posts from December, 2007

Ron Paul: The Six Million Dollar Man

The Doctor is In! Like or not, you have to admit, Dr. Ron Paul is a new kind of cool. Personally, I like it. He just raised about $5.9 Million dollars in the past 24 hours. As far as I know, that's a new record and the money is still pouring in so fast they can't count it. I expect that if you count donations that were attempted before midnight they easily pass the Six Million Dollar mark.

The system cannot execute the specified program

It always annoys me no end when I get messages like the following: "The system cannot execute the specified program." I got the above error from Windows XP when I tried to execute a program I use all the time. The message is hugely aggravating because it says the obvious without giving any actionable information. If you have such a problem and you are executing from a deep directory structure that may be your problem. It was in my case. Looking on the web with that phrase brought up a bunch of arcane stuff that did not apply to me. It mostly brought up long threads (as these things tend to do) which follow this pattern: 'Q' is the guy with the problem asking for help 'A' can be any number of people who jump in to 'help'. Q: I got this error "The system cannot execute the specified program." when I tried to ... [long list of things tried] A: What program were you running, what operating system, where is the program? What type of ...

One more site to keep up.

I had a blog a long time ago and found the thing got so much SPAM it had to be shut down. I am hoping that this will be someone else's problem for a while. Meantime, I can hammer up content here as the spirit moves me. For now, I'm just setting the thing up. It's simple enough for me (thought time consuming). I wonder if other people found it simple, though.