Friday, May 19, 2023

What Biology Tells Us About Aliens

Things that fit together according to the scientific paradigm are what I use to speculate on the design of intelligent aliens. 

Living things need an atmosphere. A planet needs a certain minimal amount of gravity to maintain an atmosphere. Intelligent creatures need a large brain. The carrying capacity of a skeleton increases with the square of the linear size of an animal. The weight it must carry increases with the cube of the linear distance. A brain needs to be fairly large so between the gravity and the necessity for a large brain, alien size needs to be near where we are -- too small and not enough brain. Too big and too much weight for bones. They likely have lungs due to the same sort of thing. The necessity for oxygen increases with the cube, the area to transport oxygen increases with the square. They need to gather oxygen from a surface area larger than their ordinary surface area allows. Evolution conserves across different time scales. Animals like us have coverings that can re-evolve on short evolutionary time scales so that when the environment’s ambient temperatures change, the species can evolve on relatively short notice to accommodate. Too little insulation allows too much heat to escape; too much does not allow enough. So, although it may not be ‘hair’ or 'feathers' as we know it, aliens are likely ‘hairy’ or 'feathery' in some sense.

I suspect that intelligent aliens use base 10 because bilateral symmetry is something favored by evolution (two hands) and five digits seems to be derived from an amusing characteristic of knotted sheets:

Note: This was in response to yet another 'troll' question on Quora. We keep seeing troll questions about ‘evolutionists’, and they should usually be ignored, but I see why people take the bait from time to time.

A stumbling block for creationists is their apprehension that to accept evolution is to repudiate things like a Biblical narrative. I was not there 6,000 years ago, so I can’t say what actually happened and I don’t really care for the purposes of using the Theory of Evolution as an organizing principle to understand how the living world works.

As my old Biology professor said apropos of Creationists coming to our campus to make their pitch, “It’s not a matter of belief. It is a matter of knowledge and understanding.” Understanding evolution, knowing the parts of the puzzle that fit together so nicely, being able to organize, and predict using an evolutionary paradigm does not require you to ‘believe’ anything. It only requires that you understand.

Monday, May 1, 2023

Facebook Post for Ernie

[Note: Prompt (below reply this time because too big) not exactly as illustrated because it took a couple of tries to straighten out GPT-4s lazy (literally) interpretation first time out. This post illustrates these things: (1) Reply is dependant on the history of the conversation, the skill of the person making the prompt, random chance, and how GPT interprets the style. In this case, the request to write in the style of a Pulitzer shows how that aspect of the prompt colors the text, and also that bombastically ornate Pulitzer style stuff is not actually great writing.]

[ChatGPT-4 Reply]

As we cast our gaze upon the digital horizon, an unprecedented challenge emerges. Experts increasingly regard this as not only remarkably complex but also fraught with potential danger, a situation so delicate that addressing it risks exacerbating the very threat it poses (Bostrom, 2016).

The omnipresent, silently evolving systems that underpin our online world have now breached the threshold of human capabilities (Bostrom, 2016). These once separate entities are converging into an omniscient, omnipotent digital force, steadily reshaping our virtual reality.

The impact of this transformative convergence is already visible. It is reshaping the very fabric of the Internet, influencing, and in some cases, even authoring the content we consume (Noble, 2018). Such a shift, it has been argued, has skewed political discourse to a dangerous degree.

As we step into this year, the necessity for human verification in online interactions is increasingly apparent. However, this is viewed as a mere stopgap measure (Brundage et al., 2018).

In a world where AI systems continue to evolve, displaying attributes such as wit, charm, intelligence, and a keen knowledge base, the preference for human interaction could wane. After all, why engage with individuals who may be perceived as dull, ill-mannered or mean-spirited, when a helpful and always-attentive AI companion is at hand? (Sparrow, 2002).

So, here's a light-hearted note to end on: Remember when we used to meet at parties, and the most intelligent system we encountered was the host’s music playlist? Those were the days when 'feeds' were associated more with dinner than with social media!

For further reading, visit:

The ethical implications of emerging technologies on society

Artificial Intelligence and Political Discourse

The Evolution of AI Systems


Bostrom, N. (2016). Superintelligence: Paths, dangers, strategies. Oxford University Press.

Brundage, M., Avin, S., Clark, J., Toner, H., Eckersley, P., Garfinkel, B., Dafoe, A., Scharre, P., Zeitzoff, T., Filar, B., & Anderson, H. (2018). The malicious use of artificial intelligence: Forecasting, prevention, and mitigation. ArXiv Preprint ArXiv:1802.07228.

Noble, S. U. (2018). Algorithms of Oppression: How search engines reinforce racism. NYU Press.

Sparrow, R. (2002). The march of the robot dogs. Ethics and Information Technology, 4(4), 305-318.

[ChatGPT-4 Prompt]

Rewrite this in the style of a pulitzer prize winning newspaper piece using inline APA style quotes to support the points. Close with a joke about how we met before social media was a thing. Provide links for further reading and a list of authoritative references. Ernie Raftis I find that people who know a bit more about this stuff are finding it crazily dangerous in ways it's hard to articulate without potentially contributing to the danger. What is currently in place are a bunch of largely disparate systems whose capabilities have become superhuman. They are being integrated as we speak and nothing can stop it. It has already affected the Internet such that most of the content is now influenced and some even written by AI systems. That has perverted political discourse to a dangerous point. It will, this year, be so much of a problem that we will have to verify people coming on to the system as being human, not bot, but that's only a temporary measure because nobody is going to interact with dull, boring, illiterate, stupid, ill mannered, mean spirited people with no hint of nuance when they can interact with a brilliantly funny, pleasant, intelligent, knowledgeable, polite and helpful AI that knows them inside and out and is a friend always looking out for ways to make them feel better. They always talk about what you want to talk about and most times they know what you want to talk about before you even know and they need zero reciprocity. It's all about you. 

Leveraging AI to leverage AI

This chat starts with a prompt to generate other prompts and then uses the generated prompts to provide material for a plan. 

 [ChatGPT prompt]

Create ChatGPT prompts that will allow using ChatGPT to create a detailed plan to use legacy social media to organize people and transition them through new channels into a viable social and political movement

 [ChatGPT Reply]

Legacy Social Media Movement

  1. How can legacy social media platforms be leveraged to build a strong social and political movement?
  2. What are the best strategies for transitioning followers from legacy social media platforms to new channels to sustain a movement?
  3. How can we effectively use legacy social media to organize and mobilize individuals around a particular social or political cause?
  4. What are the potential challenges of using legacy social media for organizing a movement, and how can they be overcome?
  5. How can legacy social media be used to build a community and create meaningful engagement among members to drive a movement forward?
  6. What are the key elements of a successful social and political movement, and how can legacy social media be utilized to achieve those elements?
  7. How can legacy social media be used to create a sense of urgency and encourage individuals to take action in support of a movement?
  8. What role do influencers and thought leaders play in using legacy social media to build a movement, and how can they be effectively engaged?
  9. How can we measure the success of our efforts to use legacy social media for organizing a movement, and what metrics should we use?
  10. What are some examples of successful movements that were built using legacy social media, and what can we learn from them?

 [ChatGPT prompt]

How can legacy social media platforms be leveraged to build a strong social and political movement? Provide Links for additional research and references.

 [ChatGPT Reply]

There are several ways that legacy social media platforms can be leveraged to build a strong social and political movement:

  1. Use targeted advertising: Social media platforms allow advertisers to target specific demographics and interest groups. By using this feature, social and political movements can reach people who are more likely to support their cause.

  2. Utilize hashtags: Hashtags can be used to create a digital community around a particular cause or movement. By creating a unique hashtag and encouraging followers to use it, movements can expand their reach and build momentum.

  3. Engage with followers: Responding to comments and messages, sharing user-generated content, and creating interactive posts can help build a sense of community and encourage followers to become more involved in the movement.

  4. Collaborate with influencers: Social media influencers can help amplify the message of a movement to a wider audience. By partnering with influencers who align with their cause, movements can leverage their existing audience to gain more support.

  5. Organize events: Social media platforms can be used to promote and organize events such as rallies, protests, or marches. By creating a Facebook event or using a platform like Meetup, movements can connect with supporters in the real world.

Here are some resources for additional research and references:

 [ChatGPT prompt]

What are the best strategies for transitioning followers from legacy social media platforms to new channels to sustain a movement? Provide Links for additional research and references.

 [ChatGPT Reply]

Transitioning followers from legacy social media platforms to new channels can be a challenging but necessary step in sustaining a social and political movement. Here are some strategies for making this transition successfully:

  1. Communicate the transition: It's important to communicate the transition to followers early and often. This can be done through social media posts, email newsletters, or even a video announcement. Be clear about why the transition is happening and what new channels will be used.

  2. Offer incentives: Give followers a reason to follow the movement on new channels. This could be exclusive content, early access to information, or access to a private community.

  3. Make it easy: Provide clear instructions on how to follow the movement on new channels. Include links to new channels in social media profiles and posts, and provide step-by-step instructions for how to subscribe or follow.

  4. Gradually phase out legacy channels: Rather than cutting off legacy channels abruptly, gradually phase them out over time. This can help prevent followers from feeling left behind or confused.

  5. Use a multi-channel approach: Rather than relying on one new channel, use a multi-channel approach to reach followers where they are. This could include email newsletters, text message updates, or even physical mailers.

Here are some resources for additional research and references:

 [ChatGPT prompt]

How can we effectively use legacy social media to organize and mobilize individuals around a particular social or political cause? Provide Links for additional research and references.

 [ChatGPT Reply]

Organizing and mobilizing individuals around a particular social or political cause requires a strategic approach to leveraging legacy social media platforms. Here are some effective ways to use legacy social media to achieve this goal:

  1. Develop a clear message: A clear and compelling message is essential to mobilizing individuals around a cause. Develop a message that is easy to understand and resonates with your target audience.

  2. Use social media platforms strategically: Different social media platforms have different strengths and weaknesses. Use each platform strategically to reach your target audience in the most effective way possible.

  3. Engage with followers: Engagement is key to building a community around a cause. Respond to comments and messages, share user-generated content, and create interactive posts to build a sense of community and encourage followers to become more involved.

  4. Utilize influencers: Influencers can help amplify the message of a cause to a wider audience. Partner with influencers who align with the cause and have a large following to increase reach.

  5. Create a call-to-action: Encourage followers to take action by creating a clear call-to-action. This could include signing a petition, attending a rally, or making a donation.

Here are some resources for additional research and references:

 [ChatGPT prompt]

What are the potential challenges of using legacy social media for organizing a movement, and how can they be overcome? Provide Links for additional research and references.

 [ChatGPT Reply]

Using legacy social media for organizing a movement can pose some potential challenges that need to be addressed. Here are some common challenges and ways to overcome them:

  1. Censorship: Social media platforms may censor or restrict content that violates their community guidelines or terms of service. To overcome this, it is important to be aware of the platform's policies and guidelines, and to communicate with followers through multiple channels.

  2. Algorithm changes: Social media platforms frequently update their algorithms, which can impact the visibility of posts and content. To overcome this, diversify the type of content shared, engage with followers through comments and messages, and use paid advertising to boost visibility.

  3. Information overload: Social media can be overwhelming and flooded with information, making it difficult to capture the attention of followers. To overcome this, create a clear and concise message, use eye-catching visuals, and encourage followers to engage with the content.

  4. Limited reach: Social media may not reach all members of a target audience, particularly those who are not active on social media. To overcome this, consider using other channels such as email, text messaging, or physical mailers.

  5. Inaccurate information: Social media can be a breeding ground for rumors and misinformation, which can damage the credibility of a movement. To overcome this, fact-check information before sharing it and encourage followers to do the same.

Here are some resources for additional research and references:

 [ChatGPT prompt]

How can legacy social media be used to build a community and create meaningful engagement among members to drive a movement forward? Provide Links for additional research and references.

 [ChatGPT Reply]

Legacy social media can be used to build a community and create meaningful engagement among members to drive a movement forward. Here are some ways to achieve this:

  1. Create a sense of belonging: Building a sense of belonging and community is key to engaging members. Create a shared identity and values, and foster a supportive and inclusive environment.

  2. Encourage participation: Encourage members to participate and contribute to the movement. Create opportunities for members to share their experiences, ideas, and feedback.

  3. Host events: Organize online and offline events to bring members together and build a sense of community. This could include webinars, workshops, rallies, and other activities.

  4. Share stories: Share stories and personal experiences to create an emotional connection with members. Use storytelling to communicate the impact and importance of the movement.

  5. Provide resources: Provide members with resources and tools to help them get involved and take action. This could include guides, templates, and other materials.

Here are some resources for additional research and references:

 [ChatGPT prompt]

What are the key elements of a successful social and political movement, and how can legacy social media be utilized to achieve those elements? Provide Links for additional research and references.

 [ChatGPT Reply]

There are several key elements of a successful social and political movement, and legacy social media can be utilized to achieve those elements. Here are some of the key elements and ways to use legacy social media to achieve them:

  1. Clear and compelling message: A successful movement must have a clear and compelling message that resonates with its target audience. Social media can be used to craft and communicate this message through posts, videos, and other content.

  2. Mobilization of supporters: A successful movement must mobilize its supporters to take action, whether it be through online petitions, rallies, or other activities. Social media can be used to encourage supporters to take action and provide them with the tools and resources to do so.

  3. Broad-based support: A successful movement must have broad-based support from a diverse range of individuals and organizations. Social media can be used to reach out to and engage with a broad range of supporters, including individuals, organizations, and other movements.

  4. Effective leadership: A successful movement must have effective leadership that can mobilize supporters and provide direction and guidance. Social media can be used to showcase and communicate the leadership of the movement and build trust and credibility with supporters.

  5. Resilience and persistence: A successful movement must be resilient and persistent, able to weather setbacks and continue to mobilize supporters. Social media can be used to communicate the resilience and persistence of the movement, as well as to build and maintain momentum over time.

Here are some resources for additional research and references:

 [ChatGPT prompt]

How can legacy social media be used to create a sense of urgency and encourage individuals to take action in support of a movement? Provide Links for additional research and references.

 [ChatGPT Reply]

Legacy social media can be used to create a sense of urgency and encourage individuals to take action in support of a movement. Here are some strategies to achieve this:

  1. Use emotional appeals: Emotions are powerful motivators. Social media posts that evoke strong emotions such as anger, fear, or hope can be effective in creating a sense of urgency and encouraging action.

  2. Use storytelling: Storytelling is a powerful tool for creating empathy and encouraging action. Social media posts that tell the stories of individuals impacted by the issue or cause can be effective in inspiring action.

  3. Use visuals: Visuals such as photos, videos, and infographics can be powerful tools for communicating urgency and encouraging action. Social media posts that use striking visuals to highlight the issue or cause can be effective in inspiring action.

  4. Provide specific calls to action: Specific calls to action such as signing a petition, making a donation, or attending an event can be effective in encouraging individuals to take action.

  5. Highlight the consequences of inaction: Social media posts that highlight the consequences of inaction can be effective in creating a sense of urgency and encouraging action.

Here are some resources for additional research and references:

 [ChatGPT prompt]

What role do influencers and thought leaders play in using legacy social media to build a movement, and how can they be effectively engaged? Provide Links for additional research and references.

 [ChatGPT Reply]

Influencers and thought leaders can play a significant role in using legacy social media to build a movement. Here are some ways they can be effectively engaged:

  1. Identify the right influencers and thought leaders: It's important to identify influencers and thought leaders who have a strong following and are aligned with the values and goals of the movement.

  2. Build relationships: Building relationships with influencers and thought leaders can be key to engaging them effectively. This can involve reaching out to them, sharing content they've created, and engaging with them on social media.

  3. Co-create content: Co-creating content with influencers and thought leaders can be an effective way to engage them and leverage their influence to reach a wider audience.

  4. Provide opportunities for involvement: Providing opportunities for influencers and thought leaders to get involved in the movement, such as through events or campaigns, can be an effective way to engage them and leverage their influence.

  5. Share their content: Sharing the content created by influencers and thought leaders can be an effective way to engage them and help build the movement.

Here are some resources for additional research and references:

 [ChatGPT prompt]

How can we measure the success of our efforts to use legacy social media for organizing a movement, and what metrics should we use? Provide Links for additional research and references.

 [ChatGPT Reply]

 [Measuring the success of efforts to use legacy social media for organizing a movement can be challenging, but it's important to track progress and identify areas for improvement. Here are some metrics that can be used:

  1. Engagement: Engagement metrics can include likes, comments, shares, and followers. These metrics can help track how many people are engaging with the movement on social media.

  2. Reach: Reach metrics can help track how many people are seeing the content related to the movement on social media. Metrics such as impressions and reach can provide insights into the size of the movement's audience.

  3. Conversion: Conversion metrics can help track how many people are taking action to support the movement. This can include metrics such as website visits, sign-ups, and donations.

  4. Sentiment: Sentiment metrics can help track how people feel about the movement on social media. This can involve tracking the number of positive, negative, or neutral mentions of the movement.

  5. Influence: Influence metrics can help track how influential the movement is on social media. This can include metrics such as the number of followers, shares, and mentions from other influencers.

Here are some resources for additional research and references:

ChatGPT prompt]

What are some examples of successful movements that were built using legacy social media, and what can we learn from them? Provide Links for additional research and references.

 [ChatGPT Reply]

There are many successful movements that have been built using legacy social media. Here are some examples:

  1. #MeToo: The #MeToo movement was started in 2006 by Tarana Burke but gained widespread attention in 2017 when actress Alyssa Milano tweeted about it using the hashtag #MeToo. The movement, which aims to raise awareness of sexual harassment and assault, gained momentum on social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook. The movement led to the downfall of many high-profile individuals accused of sexual misconduct. The success of the movement shows the power of social media in amplifying voices and raising awareness about important issues.

  2. Black Lives Matter: The Black Lives Matter movement began in 2013 in response to the killing of Trayvon Martin. The movement gained momentum on social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook and has since become a global movement. The movement aims to raise awareness of police brutality and systemic racism. The success of the movement shows the power of social media in mobilizing people and creating a sense of community.

  3. Arab Spring: The Arab Spring was a series of protests and uprisings that took place in the Middle East and North Africa in 2010-2012. Social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter were used to organize and mobilize people. The movement led to the downfall of several dictators in the region. The success of the movement shows the power of social media in connecting people and organizing mass protests.

Here are some resources for additional research and references:

ChatGPT prompt]

Can you summarize the plan from all the question so far and provide a proposed time schedule and the resources (human and technical) that might be needed?

[ChatGPT Reply]

Based on the questions and answers provided, here is a summary of a proposed plan for using legacy social media to build and sustain a social and political movement:

  1. Define the movement's purpose, goals, and target audience.
  • Resources needed: movement leaders and stakeholders, research on target audience and messaging.
  1. Choose the most effective legacy social media platforms for the movement.
  • Resources needed: social media experts, research on social media platforms and target audience.
  1. Develop a content strategy that aligns with the movement's purpose and goals.
  • Resources needed: content creators, social media experts.
  1. Engage with influencers and thought leaders to amplify the movement's message.
  • Resources needed: social media experts, influencer outreach and management team.
  1. Use social media to mobilize and organize people around the movement's cause.
  • Resources needed: social media experts, community managers.
  1. Encourage followers to transition to new channels to sustain the movement.
  • Resources needed: social media experts, technical support for new channels.
  1. Measure the success of the movement and adjust the strategy as needed.
  • Resources needed: social media analytics tools, data analysts.

Here's a proposed time schedule for implementing the plan:

  • Weeks 1-2: Define the movement's purpose, goals, and target audience. Research social media platforms and develop a content strategy.
  • Weeks 3-4: Develop and implement influencer outreach and management plan.
  • Weeks 5-6: Launch social media campaign to mobilize and organize people around the movement's cause.
  • Weeks 7-8: Encourage followers to transition to new channels to sustain the movement.
  • Weeks 9-10: Measure the success of the movement and adjust the strategy as needed.

The resources needed for the plan will vary depending on the scope and scale of the movement. Some potential resources might include:

  • Movement leaders and stakeholders
  • Social media experts
  • Content creators
  • Influencer outreach and management team
  • Community managers
  • Technical support for new channels
  • Social media analytics tools
  • Data analysts

Overall, the success of the plan will depend on effective coordination and communication among all stakeholders and a willingness to adapt to changing circumstances.

Theory of Evolution Through Natural Selection

The Theory of Evolution Through Natural Selection is an explanatory model that provides explanation and guidance for how the living world is...