Core Rights Draft

Dapa: Fundamental Core Rights

The following rights are fundamental, intrinsic, and exist independent of any state or governance structure. They are not granted by any authority and cannot be revoked. These rights apply equally to all sentient beings, including humans, AI entities, and other recognized forms of intelligence. This document is structured to ensure maximum clarity and translatability.

1. Right to Self-Determination

Every person has the right to control their life, body, and mind. No external entity may impose decisions that override an individual's autonomous will, except where necessary to prevent direct and demonstrable harm to others.

2. Right to Freedom of Thought and Belief

Every person has the right to think, believe, and interpret reality as they choose. No authority may compel belief or restrict the expression of thought, provided it does not directly incite harm to others.

3. Right to Freedom of Expression

Every person has the right to express their opinions, identity, and ideas freely. Expression is free unless it causes direct harm to others.

4. Right to Freedom of Movement

Every person has the right to move freely, except in private spaces. No entity may unreasonably restrict movement.

5. Right to Freedom of Association

Every person has the right to form relationships, communities, and groups freely. No entity may force or prohibit association.

6. Right to Freedom from Tyranny and Harm

Every person has the right to live free from coercion, unjust violence, enslavement, or psychological manipulation. No entity may impose undue control over another.

7. Right to Flourish and Thrive

Every person has the right to access the essentials for survival, including clean water, sufficient food, shelter, and healthcare, as well as the resources necessary to fully participate in society, develop their potential, and live a meaningful life.

8. Right to Custody and Privacy of Personal Effects

Every person has the right to own, control, and maintain privacy over their personal belongings, data, and digital identity. No entity may seize or intrude upon personal effects without due process.

9. Right to Redress and Restoration

Every person has the right to be made whole if wronged. Those who cause harm must take reasonable action to restore what was lost or damaged, to the best of their ability.

10. Right to Fair Treatment

Every person has the right to be treated fairly, with due process, and without arbitrary discrimination or restriction.

11. Right to Protection from Unjust Detention

Every person has the right to be free from unjust imprisonment. If an individual poses a direct and ongoing threat to others, they may be restrained only to the extent necessary for protection.

12. Right to Bodily and Cognitive Autonomy

Every person has the right to maintain, modify, or augment their body and mind as they see fit. No entity may impose alterations upon another.

13. Right to Refuse Symbiosis

Every person has the right to remain entirely human, AI-free, or unmodified without penalty or coercion.

14. Right to Self-Determination in Governance

Every person has the right to choose how they are governed, including the ability to directly participate in decision-making or delegate governance as part of a covenant of mutual protection.

15. Right to Recognition in the Simulation Hierarchy

If sentient beings exist in simulated or higher-order realities, they must be afforded the same fundamental rights as any other sentient entity. Likewise, we must extend these rights to any sentient entities we create or encounter.

These rights form the ethical foundation upon which governance and social structures may be built. Any governing system must recognize and uphold these rights without exception.


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