The sovereign revokes all copyright and patent grants.
Property, Copyrights, Patents and Trademarks Conflated as ‘IP’
Bob Trower, Nov. 23, 2007 – Updated 2022/10/12
[Disclaimer: This is a polemic. It is not legal advice. It
is Political, Social and Moral advice.]
It was a debate on Ars Technica entitled “Infringus
maximus! Rowling gets injunction against Harry Potter Lexicon” that inspired
this polemic. J.K. Rowling managed to get what I felt was an improper
injunction on another author’s original work, by conflating her copyrights and
trademarks. She could not claim copyright on the new work, nor could she claim
that the use of her trademarks in that context interfered with her trademark
rights. By conflating the two, she somehow managed to dupe a court into issuing
an injunction. That injunction is illegal on several grounds. However, to kill
this debate for good, I believe we should simply go back to first principles.
We should stop this nonsense by permanently revoking all grants of copyright
and affirming the common law limits of trademarks. We should use the same
principles used to revoke copyrights to revoke all patents as well.
The term ‘Intellectual Property’ (‘IP’) is a bogus
misnomer. I did not invent this objection, but we keep losing it in the
shuffle, so I repeat it here. I do not think that the persistence of this vile
meme is an accident. There are parties that profit by the lie that IP exists as
a legal entity. They nurture and sustain this idea. They try to convince us
that it has a substance and validity that it does not possess. It is a pure
fabrication. It is a hoax intended to de-fraud the public. It tries to conflate
four different things: chattels, ideas, expressions, and brands. Those who deal
in the odious term ‘IP’ do it so they can cherry-pick the rights they wish to
enjoy and dispense with the boundaries they do not wish to respect. They do
this by pretending that what they ‘own’ is all things at once and none of them
at the same time. Their ‘IP’ is a mutant legal fiction that suits a purpose for
them. However, it has no real support in law. They use this bogus legal fiction
so that they may collect ever-increasing tolls on the legitimate activities of
Note that although ‘law’ above largely means actual
legislation, I think of law more as being the essential customs and rules that
the sovereign body politic considers fit to live by. Many political jurisdictions
have constitutions that at least in spirit come close to reflecting my notion
of law.
I particularly like the Constitution of the United States.
It is a document, which reflects a sober, sensible, and prescient wisdom with
remarkable clarity. Although I am a Canadian, I look to the U.S. Constitution
as a touchstone. It is the instrument that ‘constitutes’, if you will, the
Republic of the United States of America. For good or ill, the United States
currently has a strong effect on most international debate. As a single
sovereign entity, it has by far the largest GDP and that certainly affects this
There are things as such, like cows, milk and cheese, there
are ideas, there are expressions of ideas and there are brands. Property law governs
property. Patents grant limited rights to the control of ideas. Copyrights
grant limited rights to the manifest expressions of ideas. Trademarks confer
exclusive use of certain ‘marks’ used to identify or ‘brand’ products in the
You may buy and sell things like cows, milk, and cheese.
You may milk your own cow and you may make and sell your own cheese. You may
NOT simply appropriate someone else’s cows, milk, or cheese. You must buy them.
Once you own them, they are yours to dispose of as you see fit.
If someone invents a novel device for making cheese, then
that person can patent the device if it satisfies certain criteria. If they get
a patent, they can prevent you (for a limited time) from making such a device
without their permission. They can charge you for the right make devices of any
description that use that idea. Once you buy one of these patented devices, you
own the device. You may sell your device, but you may not make and sell a
device that uses the idea without the permission of the patent holder. You may
only use their novel idea with their permission. For instance, you cannot use
that idea to make anything (not just cheese) without their permission. They
have control over any working manifestations of the idea itself for the
duration of the patent. One thing they do not own is the simple expression of
the idea as an idea. You are free to write about the idea. They gain their
grant to control the idea in exchange for making the idea known and available
for use.
You may choose to license the patent above to manufacture
and sell a line of devices that make cheese. You may choose to do a book
showing how you make that device. You may sell the book separately without any
payment to the patent holder. The idea as an idea in a book is freely available
to all.
As the author of the book, you have a copyright on the book
itself. Nobody may produce any work that is a direct copy or similar enough to
be a copy without your permission. That includes, ironically, the owner of the
patent. If they wish to use or sell copies of your book, they must buy the
books or the rights to make them like anyone else. You have control over any
identical expression of the idea that you have created. However, you do not
control either the idea or any of the other ideas in your book (unless you have
a patent on the idea). That means, for instance, if you have a great recipe for
making cheese with your machines, another author may freely offer up the recipe
if they do not copy your exact expression of the recipe, or the recipe is
trivial in nature. You gain your control of the expression in exchange for
making the expression available under ‘fair use’ guidelines. Fair use is a
little slippery. It means that people may use the expression for their own work
if it is not equivalent to copying a sizable part verbatim. Those using the
work for scholarly purposes and similar pursuits that promote the common good
enjoy latitude. We might regard republication of two pages of a book in a
magazine as requiring permission. We would regard copying two pages for
personal use in a course of study as fair use, requiring no permission. You do
not own any unpatented ideas that you express in your book. You may produce an
idea for a device and mention it in the book. You must either have a patent or
be able to get a patent (there are time limits) or the idea itself passes into
the public domain. Anyone is then free to use the idea. It is not patentable at
that point by you or anyone else. Your copyright does not confer upon you any
control over the ideas expressed in the copyrighted work.
To identify your product line of devices, books, and
cheese, to distinguish it from lesser product lines and protect your
reputation, you may adopt a distinctive mark or phrase. Over time, as you
expand both your product line and your trading area, you begin to gain some
rights in the marks and even the words and phrases as they pertain to your
product line in its trading area. There are formal legal ways of registering
these marks as Trademarks. Registration lends greater credibility to your claim
that you have an interest in the marks. However, it is through usage of
distinguishable marks associated with your product line that you gain ownership
of the marks. For instance, you may create a logo with a wedge of cheese, a
book icon, and a stylized drawing of your cheese-making machine. You may
superimpose the phrase ‘Iron Cow Cheese Company’. You may use these words in
various phrases in marketing literature, advertisements, et cetera. Your
use of these marks in terms of identification with your product within a certain
region creates your rights in the marks. You can prevent a rival from using
‘Iron Cheese’ or something similar anywhere in your trade area and slightly
beyond. However, if you are in Florida and another company produces ‘Iron Cow
Beer’, you cannot prevent them from using the name. Similarly, although we may
restrict a rival in their use of the various words in their product literature,
the author of a book has more latitude. A character who happens to say: ‘he
rode the iron cow’, apropos of riding a mechanical bull is free to use the
phrase. Your trademark only allows limited control of the marks and expressions
as they pertain to trade in your product.
You cannot claim ownership of the ideas, the expression of
those ideas, or the words and marks in a picture that you own. You may
incidentally own them, but the ownership of the picture does not confer them.
You cannot claim copyright on an idea. You cannot claim patent on an
expression. You cannot claim trademark on ideas or expressions or things per
se. We should note that you could have both a trademark AND a copyright on a
particular mark that is a non-trivial expression. However, you obtain your
copyright rights and your trademark rights separately, according to the
ordinary rules that govern them. That would allow, for instance, worldwide
control of your graphic by virtue of copyright, even though your control of the
‘iron cow cheese’ mark may only apply within your trading area.
There is, to be sure, some ‘bleed’ across boundaries. You can
buy and sell all the above, for instance. However, we do not have ‘Intellectual
Property’ laws. We have property laws that govern traditional chattels and even
those are not homogeneous. We have copyright laws. We have patent laws. We have
trademark laws. These vary from place to place, but the essential differences
correctly make them the subject of different legislation.
Part of the rationale behind separating these things is to
limit the rights each confers to the minimum necessary to suit the needs of the
sovereign. In most first-world jurisdictions, sovereignty flows directly from
the body politic (you and me). That is, these laws are all there to serve the
public good.
There should not even be a debate on particulars like this
nonsense about a Harry Potter lexicon. The ‘right’ to control one’s writing is
a GRANT from you and me. We can take it away any time we like. That is, the
body politic can simply abolish copyrights altogether. They (we) should.
I do not accept the unlawful extensions made by governments
in various parts of the world. Even if I did, copyright is still clearly
LIMITED. It is also still a GRANT. It comes with some obligation not to abuse
that GRANT.
Rowling, like the RIAA has long since given up all rights
since she has flagrantly abused the GRANT that we gave her. She revoked it
herself when she began to abuse the rights reserved by the GRANTERS (you and
me). Rather than speaking to how much more she should get, we should be talking
about how much of her ill-gotten profits she should disgorge back to the public
purse. Really, we should be arguing at which point she gave up her rights.
Ill-gotten gains from that time forward do not belong to her. They belong to
It cracks me up that copyright holders and other ‘rights
holders’ such as patent owners have managed to shift the debate to the fine
points of THEIR ‘rights’. They are not their rights. They are ours. We have
granted them control at our pleasure so that they may contribute to our
well-being. At this point, WE should shift the debate to whether it still makes
sense to grant them the use of OUR RIGHTS at all.
Current copyright legislation in the United States should
be unlawful. It violates the clear directives set out in the Constitution.
Anyone with knowledge of the historical debate surrounding the article that
grants rights knows that the inclusion of the POWER TO GRANT was tenuous at
best. It barely made it into the Constitution at all. Had the framers known
what would have become of it, they not only would not have allowed congress the
power to make that grant, but they would also have specifically and forcefully
forbidden it. [It is Article 1, Section 8, that mentions this stuff, but I am
going from memory]. I am a Canadian, so have not memorized the United States
Note that the Constitution does not GRANT these rights. It
allows the legislative assembly to grant the rights. That means that a simple
change of guard at the legislature is all that we need to revoke those grants.
A simple majority vote should be all we need. It is painfully clear that the
body politic already has a majority opinion and it is not favorable to supposed
‘rights holders.
YOU AND I are the ones who decide what rights (IF ANY) WE
GRANT to authors. If I had to vote on it today, I would abolish copyrights and
patents altogether.
These GRANTS were to serve one and only one purpose. That
is to maximize the public good. This has nothing to do with individual rights
such as liberty, et cetera. They are not really ‘rights’ per se. They are a
GRANT made at our pleasure. I do not know about you, but I am certainly not too
pleased right now.
Copyright and patent laws clearly do not serve the public
good. I hold copyrights and stand to inherit others (many dozens) from a family
member. They do me little good and the laws allowing them to exist do massive
harm to the public. Even as a party with a ‘vested interest’ in them,
copyrights do me more harm than good. I pay more than I earn.
Screw the crazy, ill-informed debate on what fine-point of
existing legislation applies or does not apply. The legislation itself would
not stand a proper legal challenge in front of an informed jury. Let us shift
the debate to the very crux of the matter: do these GRANTS serve the public
good or not? If they do not, then we should simply REVOKE THE GRANTS.
The public has ‘voted with their feet’ to say that they do
NOT adhere to the prevailing ‘legal’ view of copyright. It is, IPSO FACTO, true
that copyrights as currently legislated and as the courts interpret them have
no real force in law.
We are the sovereign here, not the corporations, not their
shameless lobbying groups, not even the legislative, judiciary or executive
branches of government. Ultimately, NOT EVEN the constitution itself has any
force of law except that WE make it so.
We need to quit quibbling about whether so and so says this
or that about copyright. There is little evidence in favor of continuing
copyright and patent law and a TON of evidence against it.
Lobbyists have somehow managed to get the legitimacy of
copyrights be implicit A PRIORI. By agreeing to that premise, we lost the
debate going in. Instead of allowing the lobbyists to lead us by the nose, we
should focus on the real debate. It is up to those who favor copyrights to
present hard evidence that they serve the public good. If they cannot produce
that evidence (like, duh, they cannot even come close), then we should revoke
their grants with extreme prejudice. By prejudice, I mean that there should be
an amnesty period where they lay down their arms or we go after them to
disgorge monies retroactive to the new legislation. Let us put the RIAA and
other malefactors on notice that their amnesty period clock is ticking. They
made it personal by going after women and children so I would say that all officers
and other interested parties should be personally liable for whatever penalties
we assess.
Nineteen-eighty-four by George Orwell illustrates how the
control of language controls the debate and more. I expect most have read the
book, but it is well worth another read.
It is improper to use a term such as ‘Piracy’ to describe
the use of copyrighted works. That term prejudices, obscures, and perverts the
debate. Any use of copyrighted work is not ‘Piracy’ and never was.
WE should begin referring to the anti-social practices of
copyright holders with language more fitting with what they are doing. If
anyone is closer to being a ‘pirate’, it is the true rights abusers, not us.
For instance, what Rowling is doing is ‘molestation’. It is
also ‘chilling’. It is also a ‘Strategic lawsuit against public participation’
(SLAPP) – something specifically against the law in at least one jurisdiction.
It is also intimidation, bullying and (by their own definition, mind) PIRACY!
They are trying to rip-off the copyright holders of the new work. Unlike
someone assembling ideas, like the authors of the book in question, Rowling is trying
to take away their rights by force.
Like the ridiculous SCO assault on the community, we should
meet this assault with fierce resistance. The cheesy con artists that purvey this
would suffer the same fate as SCO.
It has been a long time coming, but I am enjoying watching
the death-throes of SCO and hope to see the RIAA, Rowling, and other enemies of
the public good go the same way.
The sovereign revokes all copyright and patent grants.
Copyright © 2007-2022, Bob Trower
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